Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Assessing Learning and Achievement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Assessing Learning and Achievement - Essay Example For college students I based mostly on observations, presentations and project work. The complete opposite is for work based learners where the most appropriate methods are witness testimonies, products of work and accreditation for prior learning. With regards to the issues I intend to address are as follow: The advantages and disadvantages of criterion-referenced assessment, the assessment of validity and reliability (where demand from the government to meet targets forces from the colleges, to employ assessors lacking in competence, making assessment value to be questioned). Also I would like to address the current issues in assessment policy bureaucracy, the measuring and recording of assessment results reduces time spent with the learner, 'bums on seats' model forces colleges to accumulate quantitative achievement rather than qualitative ones. As result this makes the value of qualifications and achievement questionable. In the initial assessment, computer tests are used to identify the literacy and numercacy level of potential applicants, At the diagnostic assessment, the applicants are again tested on the computer, yet compared to previous ones, the applicants are to diagnose; going into the details to diagnose which are the areas that need to be addressed and then identify the support. For formative assessment, it is on going throughout the year both whether it be in lessons or at visits for WBL. Finally for summative assessment was used at the end of the unit or the whole course. It is also at the end of the unit, learners have to complete the underpinning knowledge test to prove their knowledge competence, norm referenced, criterion reference or ipsative assessment; Identify and discuss range of concepts, definitions and principles covered in learning and assessment within your professional practice In the initial assessment, computer tests are used to identify the literacy and numercacy level of potential applicants, At the diagnostic assessment, the applicants are again tested on the computer, yet compared to previous ones, the applicants are to diagnose; going into the details to diagnose which are the areas that need to be addressed and then identify support . For formative assessment, it is on going throughout the year both whether it be in lessons or at visits for WBL. Finally for summative assessment was used at the end of the unit or the whole course. It is also at the end of the unit, learners have to complete the underpinning knowledge test to prove their knowledge competence,norm referenced, criterion reference or ipsative assessment; Formal and informal assessment. I encounter informal assessment throughout the course by means ofinformal discussions and feedback; Self assessment and peer assessment Peer assessment is used more in college environment, and self assessmentis used at the end of the lessons or in tutorials Analysis of your assessment

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