Thursday, October 17, 2019

Geographical Relocation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Geographical Relocation - Essay Example Th following ppr is rport, which covrs th issus rltd with th xptrition procss of th workr from London, UK to Mdrid, Spin. Hrin, I im to nlys th cs of such rloction, whn mking nlysis of th country of rloction (th conomy of Spin, tx nd hlthcr systm, insurnc nd politics), providing ovrviw of living nd working conditions nd invstigting th wys tht my fcilitt th rloction nd dpttion procss of workr who xptrit from London to Mdrid. Whn providing th rport I will mk n ccnt on th policy of our orgniztion tht clrly idntifis its gols in ch stg nd thus will rsult in bttr intrntionl prformnc of xptrits. Trining should nvr focus primrily on bnfiting th individul xptrit. Rthr, it should cntr on mting th orgniztion's gols. It should try to mtch th xptrit's knowldg, skills nd comptncis with thos rquird for ch prticulr ssignmnt. Lik most othr trining, its succss should b msurd by how much th orgniztion bnfits, not how much th individul might grow or lrn. xptrition, th prctic of snding hom country mngrs to othr country loctions, is populr, lbit xpnsiv, prctic mong intrntionl corportions (O'Boyl, 1989). xptrits, fmilir with th cultur, lngug, nd customs of hdqurtrs, cn fcilitt th trnsfr of corport cultur btwn hdqurtrs nd th subsidiry, nhncing communiction nd coordintion (Boycigillr, 1991; Rosnzwig, 1994). Thy cn lso provid tchnicl nd mngril skills tht my not b immditly vilbl t th locl lvl. Somtims usd to s tmporry stffing nds, xptrits r lso vlubl s mchnisms for corport control in vitl mrkts. Finlly, xptrits my b utilizd to nforc nd protct th compny's intrsts. xptrition is not without costs. In ddition to th obvious finncil rsourcs ncssry to trnsfr mngr nd his or hr fmily physiclly to Spin, thr r hiddn costs s wll. ssignmnts oftn my not b compltd, ncssitting th rplcmnt of th xptrit (Bird & Dunbr, 1991; Blck, 1988). In ordr for th rloction procss to b ffctiv, th xptrit tht is bing snt to Mdrid, should djust to locl customs nd try to incrs his job stisfction nd ffctivnss. Th conflict t workplc tht might ppr round diffrncs on norms nd cultur my frustrt th workr nd cus th convrs ffct. Morovr, th workr might wnt to rturn to his formr work in hom country nd in such wy cus th unncssry xpnss for th compny tht invstd mony in his xptrition. nothr hiddn cost ssocitd with xptrition is th inbility to rtin th xcutiv upon rturn to th hom country. Mny xptrits do not hv gurntd positions t hom onc thy succssfully complt thir ssignmnts. Th xcutiv oftn rturns to find himslf/hrslf on th priphry of th orgniztionl infrstructur. For tht rson, bfor dprtur, xptrit should b rssurd tht his workplc in hom compny will b kpt upon th nd of his xptrition. xptrit pr-dprtur knowldg cn contribut to both work nd gnrl djustmnt ovrss (Blck, 1988), whn such knowldg includs informtion bout th trnsition. This cn rduc mny of th uncrtintis ssocitd with th nw rol. Work djustmnt includs th xtnt to which th xptrit is bl to djust to th lvl of rsponsibility ssocitd with th ssignmnt s wll s to his/hr py schdul. djustmnt to th gnrl nvironmnt rfrs to th individul's bility to djust to non-work fctors such s housing conditions, shopping, nd hlth fcilitis. Intrstingly, prvious intrntionl xprinc ws rptdly found not to prdict xptrit nd spousl gnrl djustmnt during xptrition (Blck & Grgrsn, 1991b). This suggsts tht mny spcts of ovrss xprinc r not gnrlizbl from on ssignmnt loction to nothr or tht xptrit mngrs r not bl to trnsfr thir lrnings concrning djustmnt in on country to nothr.

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